
Comprehensive Evaluations

All Kids Therapy offers services in the office, home or school setting. Once you are ready to start, a family interview determines what tools will be used to evaluate your child and then where and when the evaluation will be completed. The extensive evaluation process could take several visits to the office, home or school. Once the evaluation is completed, an individualized plan is developed with your family's needs in mind.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into purposeful, adaptive motor and behavioral responses. Everyone experiences sensations. It helps us to understand the world around us. How we sense and how we respond to those senses is critical to successful interaction with the environment.

  • Sensory Integration includes:

  • Vestibular training

  • Tactile play

  • Proprioceptive activities (“Heavy Work”)

  • Strengthening

  • Reflex integration

  • Visual motor Activities

  • Auditory

  • Ocular motor skill development

For Sensory Integration therapy to be successful, a relationship built on trust and respect between the child and the clinician must be present. Progress moves at the pace of the child and is not contingent on a timeline for outcomes to be met. The more comfortable and trusting the child feels in the environment, the more they will initiate and allow their bodies to experience. The more they explore and are exposed to, the more their nervous system will develop.

  • Sensory Integration is a child led, therapist directed approach with sessions focused on play and fun, with specific, tailored activities to foster success.

  • Family participation, carryover and consistency is necessary for success.

  • The plan of treatment is based on the child and the family's lifestyle and needs.

  • Therapy includes strategies for modulation and discrimination of sensation, strengthening, postural control and motor planning.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy will address:

  • Sensory Integration

  • Strengthening

  • Fine Motor/Finger Dexterity

  • Visual Motor Integration

  • Ocular Motor Skills

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Handwriting